Sunday, May 17, 2009

Tok, pronounced Toke

Hey, Loaf here, beer in hand, head wants to make sweet passionate sleep to the pillow, but you, my beautiful readers long for my rant. We spent 2 days and nights in Whitehorse. I dunno, I think I could live there if I owned a sweet little bar where good people came and had good times. I'm not getting data coverage for my device which makes me feel fucking naked and disconnected. Dylan is happy with the Old Grand Dad Bourbon, gawd damned corn liquor. Do you know that drivers in Whitehorse actually stop for pedestrians who are using cross walks? Insane, I know. Now, a little bit about American beer, it's good. Beer like music requires sifting past mounds of shit to find the gold, there's some buddhist concept that's very similar, Tathagata Gharba or something, but beer is way cooler than buddhism. Hunh, I run my sentences on pretty damn long. There's mountains all over but the driving isn't that hairy. For those who know it's felt like driving through Riding Mountains for the last ohhh I dunno, 3-4 days? And go eat at the Park Diner on 20th in Saskatoon if you have the chance, thank Liam for pointing that joint out to us. We checked out Sonny Rhodes in Whitehorse last night,but before that we checked out some of the other bars. Saw something amazing there, if you want to know ask me I might tell you over a drink. Oh, Here in Tok I had a smoke in a bar before it was closed, not as amazing as I expected. No hassle coming over the border here. This post slapped order in the face.

Anyways, Dudes, thrrow out your razors and women love them for it, kay?

Loaf out.